Alders Farm Fishery Rules are as follows. We reserve the right to amend any of the following rules at no notice and a level of common sense and best practice is assumed, there are no exceptions (other than Hemp being allowed on Specimen (Oak Lake) Only. Please obey the rules and remind others to do the same. Your assistance and understanding is much appreciated.
All rules are designed with the welfare of the fish and the water quality in mind, and we want to keep the fishery and its surroundings at its best, so please try to stick to them. If you are found breaking these rules you maybe asked to leave the fishery.
GENERAL FISHERY RULES (includes Oak lake)
All anglers, vehicles and belongings are left here at your own risk
All cars to be kept in the car park, if you need assistance please ask
DO NOT ENTER fishery unless you have reported to shop
No Spectators and No Guests (unless spouse or partner)
Night fishing is only allowed ON OAK LAKE FOR MEMBERS who have booked in advance
All Children welcome but must be accompanied by a responsible adult
Everyone fishing must be in possession of a current EA Rod Licence
All nets & unhooking mats must be dipped prior to fishing
No fires or BBQ's – stoves allowed at your own risk
No alcohol or drugs tolerated on the premises
Please use the toilets provided (BY DIP STATION OR PORTA LOO BY THE CAFE)
No one is to enter the water under any circumstances, if you need help please ask
Please be considerate to other anglers and your surroundings
No Littering! Please take all rubbish away with you
No removal of fish
No bank walkers whilst matches are in progress (STRICT RULE)
Only 1 rod to be used by any person at anytime on all lakes, except Oak Lake where a maximum of 2 rods can be used.
Everyone fishing must have their OWN LANDING NET & UNHOOKING MAT
All fish are to be returned safely /No fish to be taken or transfered
All nets, net bags, mats and cradles must be dipped before fishing and then left to dry on bank before use
Barbless hooks only/No Micro Barbs or Crushed barbs
Fishing from platforms only
Keep nets only allowed in organised matches (not pleasure fishing) 60lb per keep net max during matches & max 5-hour matches *If your keep net weighs in over 60lb,it will be counted as 50lb*
When Fishing a match on Ash & Pines Lake, Silver Fish areto be kept in separate keep net's
No surface fishing
No rolling fish down keep nets
No bolt rigs, free running only (for more info please ask)
No leaders including Leadcore/Lead Free/Braided/Any type of leaders
Feeder fishing (including method) is allowed but it has to be in line with no elastication - GURU XSafe elastic are allowed
No floating poles
No Surface Fishing allowed on any lake
No Braid as Mainline (braided Hook-links are allowed)
No carp sacks
No fish to be handled in towels
No Bait Boats allowed
Only Alders Farm Fishery in-house feed pellet are allowed
No 'Shelf Life' boilies - Only Frozen (purchased from our shop)
Match Boillies (Wafter/Pop-up/Hookable) only allowed as hook baits
No Meat of any kind
No Bait Boats
No Bread
No floating baits allowed
No Nuts or Hemp of any kind
No Halibut or Trout Pellet of any Kind (Fishery Pellets Only)
No Live bait/Dead bait
No Jig/Lure fishing
If you are caught breaking ANY of these rules, you will be asked to leave the fishery with no refund! As well as our usual rules, the following also apply to Night Fishing