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Our Outdoor Range

Our outdoor range is an impressive 80 yards in length, with distance markers to help you sight in. It boasts an easy to use hand wind target retrieval system, along with plenty of knock down style targets to keep you entertained. 


The range is built off the ground and is decked out with all weather non slip decking boards to give shooters a better foundation and greater view of the range; and thus making it more comfortable to shoot in all weathers. 


The range has five independent shooting points and an open style bench so that you can socialise! (If you want 😬) It’s sheltered from the elements in all weather so there’s literally no excuses…. Wrap up warm in winter though!! 

For 2025 we offer an all inclusive outdoor option, so if the challenge and excitement of shooting outdoors is your thing, we’ve got you covered! Literally..  access to outdoors after buying an all inclusive membership is unlimited until the end of year and can be booked easily via our online platform. 


Lane 3 (outside) will de dedicated to our bench-rest competition. We are in the process of building a 25 yard target retrieval system.    


The cost is £150 per year. The use of indoor is still available at a reduced rate of £10 (normal price £15) and you have access to all the necessities ie refreshments, toilets, re-fills and discounted shooting supplies. 


This facility is for members only and can be accessed via our membership scheme.

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