Pump, Mylo's and Wood pools
Mylo's Pond
This little pond has only got 6 pegs on and is an ideal place if you’re a beginner, with lots of 3-8lb Carp you will be kept busy all day, also great for a small club match in Winter.
Summer 2015 will see the launch of the Alders Junior Academy, and this little lake will be the first port of call for the kids to learn on before they enter the league and show the seasoned anglers a thing or two! This lake is often used as an overflow in matches for the main match lake in winter as it can warm quicker and provide challenging weights. Don't be fooled by it's size!

Wood lake
The wood lake is a shallow pond which has seen vast improvements made to stock and water quality recently and again like Pump Lake resembles a canal, slightly wider at 20m in parts. You need a variety of methods to catch and those who fish it with a little finesse get their rewards. Well stocked with 3-8lb Carp, it's another favourite amongst the match anglers especially in winter

The Pump
Not far to walk from Breakfast in the Pumphouse Cafe, this is one of the smaller lakes on the complex and resembles a canal with it being 14m wide. It’s no wonder anglers love fishing it and with lots of 3-6lb Carp and a few Rudd. Those of you who remember the good old days of the canal will love this lake.