Alders Farm Bench Rest League 2025
Sponsored by AirArms
Welcome to Alders Farm Bench Rest league (or AFBR) 2025!
AFBR is a benchrest target competition for range members and visitors running over the course of 12 monthly rounds.
Below you will find:-
The Rules and Definitions.
Scoring Rules.
This competition is designed to be fun, friendly, and to improve your shooting. In the interest of fairness all scoring is done by Dan M. He will be entering the competition but to ensure fairness all of his cards will be verified by Michael. Dan will be collecting cards weekly and then entering the scores on a google doc for easy viewing.
This is a benchrest competition. The shooter will remain seated whilst the rifle remains rested on a solid platform. Using the alders benchrest competition cards (available for purchase from the shop); These are to be shot in one sitting at the stated class range in the indoor or outdoor range.
There are four main classes. Recoilless, Recoiling, Open Sights, and Outdoors. There may be other classes which can be entered if desired, such as Speed Shooting, and Recoilless Spring, but these will not form part of the central competition.
The competition will run for the period of January 2025 to December 2025 consisting of 12 rounds; your best 10 of which will count towards your final year end score (best 6 months for “Outdoor” class).
Entries are to be shot in the month they are for and handed in at the shop.
There will be a monthly round winner for each main class and an end of rounds champion for each main class.
The 'bench' is the Existing range benches at the indoor or outdoor range. The shooter is to remain seated at the bench for the duration of 25 targets shot.
The 'rest' will consist of front and rear rests allowing the rifle to be supported without aid from the shooter. The front and rear rests must not be joined in any way and be independent of each other.
Rests must not clamp the rifle in any way; such that if the rifle is lifted it comes freely from its rests.
Front rests may incorporate elevation and windage adjustment.
Bipods are allowed as long as they are fixed to the rifle and rest freely on the bench.
Rear or front rests may be omitted during shooting if the competitor so chooses.
During shooting the competitors trigger hand and shoulder must be in contact with the gun.
The "Recoilless" class will include all PCP, c02, and Recoilless Spring air rifles – as well as any rifles that do not fall into another category. Cards will be shot at 25 yards.
The "recoiling" class will include all springers and gas-rams that do not have any recoil compensation such as sleds and GISS systems. Cards will be shot at 25 yards.
The “Open Sights” class includes any rifle but limits sights to open sights such as Iron Sights or Diopters. Cards will be shot at 15 yards.
The “Outdoor” class includes all rifles; but cards must be shot on the outdoor range. Cards will be shot at 25 yards.
For all classes the rifles must be air rifles complying with UK non FAC law and hence sub 12 ft-lb.
Any choice of optic, dioptre, or open sight may be used, subject to the class entered.
There will be no cap on optic magnification.
Adjustment of scope during shooting is permitted.
Calibres .177, .20, & .22 are all eligible. Scoring gauges are not used.
Competitors may enter any or all classes as they wish for each round.
Competitors may use any eligible gun to enter. You do not have to use the same gun each month however to get the best score at year end it is recommended that you enter into the same class for at least 10 months (6 months for “Outdoor” class). If you shoot a pcp for 4 months and a springer for 8 months you will not have a 10 month score for either class.
The muzzle of the rifle may overhang the bench edge but complete action remains rested on, or above, the bench.
There will be no time limit once shooting commences but competitors are expected to complete a card in one sit. Any number of sighter shots may be used on the given sighters for reassurance of sights zero.
Scoring will be carried out as detailed below.
The maximum score attainable is 250 / 25X. X's are to be used in the event of a numerical tie. A tie of X's results in a noted draw.
Competitors may carry out as much practice as they want and enter as many cards per month as they wish. However it is recommended that, if you are shooting a large volume of cards, you try a few different classes. It is also appreciated if you do not enter cards that are definitively a lower score than one you have already entered for that month. EG if you shot a card that is at best a 234, but you have already been awarded a score of 245 on the official score sheet, then it should not be entered.
In the spirit of AFBR, honesty, integrity and sportsmanship are expected. Any improvement in competitors' marksmanship should be applauded. The competition is open to all, from complete novices to seasoned shooters.
If anyone wishes to shoot but find they are unable then reasonable adjustments will be made to encourage inclusion. The definition of Reasonable will be decided by Dan and Mike. The adjustments will take into account the participants' barriers to entry; but will not allow significant advantage against other competitors. The aim is for full inclusion on as level a playing field as is possible.
The competition will consist of 12 monthly rounds.
A maximum of 10 rounds will be counted for an aggregate score (6 rounds for “Outdoor” class).
A total perfect score would be 2500 points and 250 X's.
The 10 round scorable of 12 rule is to account for holiday, sickness, work, and life. 6 months for Outdoor is to further account for inclement weather.
There will be a winner announced for each class every round.
After 12 rounds each class champion will be announced.
Your best 10 (or 6) of 12 rounds will automatically be selected for the competition.
Each target card should have information fields populated plus any extra info felt required. If cards are not filled out correctly then they may be discarded. Cards must not be modified in any way beyond filling in the information fields.
Do not score your own card. You can take a picture of it for your reference if you wish. Once cards have been scored they will be returned to the shop. After a period of around 1 month they will be recycled.
Dan will usually score cards on a Friday and upload scores on the same day. He will aim to do this weekly, however in the events of illness / holidays / kids / life he may miss a week and will score and upload as soon as he is able.
If you have a scoring question or issue please ask the Alders team to message Dan.
Please ensure you fill out your full name, class entered, and the date (Legibly!) on every card you wish to be entered. It also helps if you use the same name on every card, rather than using a nickname on some and your full name on others. If you notice an error on the official score sheet please bring it to Dan or Mike's attention and it can be fixed ASAP.
A table of competitors, class and round totals will be available and updated at completion of each round.

Scoring Rules
'Best edge' rules apply.
For instance, if you break the 9 ring then you score 9 not 8. The ring must be FULLY broken to apply. Touching the line or partial cuts do not award the higher score.
If you clip the bullseye then you score 10.
To achieve a 10 X score the bullseye must be obliterated. The word obliterated has been purposefully chosen....
Cross shots,( EG you accidently shot target 4 instead of target 5) are to be ringed and annotated and will be given a score of 0.
If a target has been shot twice, the lower score will be awarded. (Not a cross shot).
All scoring is taken from the pellet strike area. When targets are torn for any reason then best judgement is used to award a fair score for that target. In a situation where it is wholly unclear which score should be awarded then the higher score is awarded.
Cards that have been altered in any way such as to obscure or enhance the score will result in the card being disqualified. Repeated cases will result in competitors being removed from the competition.
Scoring is undertaken as a process. Firstly by eye; where a score is obvious, it is marked. If this is not clear then a high magnification magnifying glass is used. If this is still not definitive then a camera is used. A high resolution photo is taken and then zoomed in until the pellet strike is the same size as a template circle, which is overlaid onto the picture. This gives a clear indication if a line has been broken or not. The below diagram is included to give you an indication of how cards are scored.
Please read and understand! Ask if anything is unclear. Purchase of a card and/or submission for entry into the competition is an agreement to follow the above rules.
In this example it was not wholly clear if the ring had been broken so an overlay was used which shows the pellet strike area has broken the 10 ring; so a 10 is awarded.

In this example, although the paper has torn through the 10 ring, the pellet strike area touches, but does not break, the 10 ring; and therefore a 9 is awarded.